RACTF 2020 Crypto - Really Speedy Algirithm
#Really Speedy Algorithm
Connect to the network service to get the flag. The included template script may be of use.
Warning: The challenge server is currently under heavy load, so
is miss-judging how fast solutions are being sent. If your script
is "too slow", this may be the issue. We're working to resolve it.
If your script is timing out...
RACTF 2020 Crypto - Really Small Algorithm
Really Small Algorithm
This is a follow up to Really Simple Algorithm, If you dont understand RSA, reading my writeup may be helpful.
Netcatting the provided server, we get the following information
n: 16856848773453133972284700106290698513247482810710495301292128221477179939745886892894154208730991202269179061578939605256564902804624955611046...
RACTF 2020 Crypto - Really Simple Algorithm
Really Simple Algorithm
This is a typical RSA challenge. On netcatting the server, we get
p: 692978822802216497910263439691526372004023822242590405470708610553024726
q: 818545152008458581431308715472370387421587511434432009344550954468777476
RACTF 2020 Crypto - Really Secret Algorithm
Really Secret Algorithm
Challenge description reads as follows
We've received a weird message, but it's not in a format we've ever seen before.
-*-*-*- BEGIN ARR ESS AYY MSG -*-*-*-
RACTF 2020 Crypto - Mysterious Masquerading Message
Mysteriuos Masquerading Message
We found a file that looks to be like an ssh private key... but it doesn't seem quite right. Maybe you can shed some light on it?
The contents of id_rsa.txt read
tbbq yhpx:)
RACTF 2020 Crypto - Its as easy as access=0000
It’s as easy as access=0000
The challenge description reads
Challenge instance ready at
We found a strange service, it looks like you can generate an access token for the network service, but you shouldn't be able to read the flag... We think.
And we are provided with server file access.py, whose contents read
m Crypto...
RACTF 2020 Crypto - BOO7l3G CRYP70
B007l3G CRYP70
While doing a pentest of a company called MEGACORP's network, you find these numbers laying around on an FTP server:
41 36 37 27 35 38 55 30 40 47 35 34 43 35 29 32 38 37 33 45 39 30 36
27 32 35 36 52 72 54 39 42 30 30 58 27 37 44 72 47 28 46 45 41 48 39
27 27 53 64 32 58 43 23 37 44 32 37 28 50 37 19 51 53 30 41 18 45 79
46 ...
RACTF 2020 Crypto - B007L36 CRYP70 A641N
B007L36 CRYP70… 4641N
After finally solving B007l3G CRYP70, we are again presented with another variant. The description reads as follows:-
As you continue your pentest of MEGACORP, you make your way to an
admin-only subnet of the network. There, you find yet another custom
crypto implementation. You also previously found this zip file on a
60 post articles, 8 pages.