RACTF 2020 Crypto - Its as easy as access=0000


It’s as easy as access=0000

The challenge description reads

Challenge instance ready at

We found a strange service, it looks like you can generate an access token for the network service, but you shouldn't be able to read the flag... We think.

And we are provided with server file access.py, whose contents read

m Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

challenge_description("You can generate an access token for my network service, but you shouldn't be able to read the flag... I think.")
challenge_name = "It's as easy as access=0000"
FLAG = "ractf{XXX}"
KEY = get_random_bytes(16)

def get_flag(token, iv):
    token = bytes.fromhex(token)
    iv = bytes.fromhex(iv)
        cipher = AES.new(KEY, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
        decrypted = cipher.decrypt(token)
        unpadded = unpad(decrypted, 16)
    except ValueError as e:
        return {"error": str(e)}
    if b"access=0000" in unpadded:
        return {"flag": FLAG}
        return {"error": "not authorized to read flag"}

def generate_token():
    expires_at = (datetime.today() + timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%s")
    token = f"access=9999;expiry={expires_at}".encode()
    iv = get_random_bytes(16)
    padded = pad(token, 16)
    cipher = AES.new(KEY, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
    encrypted = cipher.encrypt(padded)
    ciphertext = iv.hex() + encrypted.hex()
    return {"token": ciphertext}

def start_challenge():
  menu = "Would you like to:\n[1] Create a guest token\n[2] Read the flag"
  while True:
    choice = str(input("Your choice: "))
    while choice != "1" and choice != "2":
        choice = str(input("Please enter a valid choice. Try again: "))
    if choice == "1":
    elif choice == "2":
      token = input("Please enter your admin token: ")
      while not token:
        token = input("Tokens can't be empty. Try again: ")
      iv = input("Please enter your token's initialization vector: ")
      while not iv:
        iv = input("Initialization vectors can't be empty. Try again: ")
      print(get_flag(token, iv))


Without reading through whole bunch of code, we can start analyzing from the last, start_challenge() is called, which is an infite loop while True, asks for two choices 1 and 2.
Choice 1 would invoke generate_token function and generate a token
Choice 2 would invoke get_flag function, after asking for iv and encrypted token.

Now quickly running through generate_token line-by-line

def generate_token():
    expires_at = (datetime.today() + timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%s")
    token = f"access=9999;expiry={expires_at}".encode()
    iv = get_random_bytes(16)
    padded = pad(token, 16)
    cipher = AES.new(KEY, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
    encrypted = cipher.encrypt(padded)
    ciphertext = iv.hex() + encrypted.hex()
    return {"token": ciphertext}
  • It creates an expire time of one day
  • Creates a token string starting with access=9999 specifying guest by 9999 and expiry time
  • Generates random IV
  • Pads the token to AES block size i.e. 16 bytes
  • creates new AES cipher instance
  • encyrpt the padded token in encrypted
  • generates the ciphertext as concatenation of hex of iv and hex of encrypted padded message
  • returns the hex concatenation

Running through get_flag, one could read

def get_flag(token, iv):
    token = bytes.fromhex(token)
    iv = bytes.fromhex(iv)
        cipher = AES.new(KEY, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
        decrypted = cipher.decrypt(token)
        unpadded = unpad(decrypted, 16)
    except ValueError as e:
        return {"error": str(e)}
    if b"access=0000" in unpadded:
        return {"flag": FLAG}
        return {"error": "not authorized to read flag"}
  • converts user input token and iv to their bytes representation
  • Tries decrypting the token with provided iv and its key
  • if access=0000 appears somewhere in message, it must be an admin and returs the flag
  • Says FO otherwise

Reading through the above stuff, one could realise what must be done to read the flag :wink:
We need to make the server generate a token for access=9999 and somehow change it to access=0000 and fool it into believing that we are admin, and hence the name of the challenge.

This is an instance of all time classic bit flipping attack.

We can modify the IV such that the decryption at server would read access=0000 at server instead of access=9999

Lets see how CBC mode works, just focus on decryption of first block

The output of Block cipher decryption of AES is XORed with the IV to give the plaintext.
But hey, It is us who are providing IV, So we must be able to “control” the plaintext with our IV, and hence can make server read whatever we wish.

Lets see how would we do it.

We know Decrypt(token) ^ IV_server = access=9999;<timestamp>, where IV_server is the iv provided by default by the server and token is the generated guest token.

To change b'9999' to b'0000', we need to xor something to we b'9999' ^ something = b'0000', here ^ is byte-wise xor
something = b'9999' ^ b'0000'
Now lets try xoring something on both sides, (NOTE : I am xoring only the bytes at corresponding position, for the ease of explaination)

Decrypt(token) ^ IV_server ^ something= access=9999;<timestamp> ^ something
Decrypt(token) ^ IV_server ^ something = access=9999;<timestamp> ^ b'9999' ^ b'0000'
Decrypt(token) ^ IV_server ^ something = access=0000;<timestamp>

VOILA! we did it. Lets write a script. One could do that manually, as time is not constrained, but automating stuff is quite a satisfaction.

from pwn import remote, xor
import json

HOST, PORT = "", 58891

REM = remote(HOST, PORT)
print(REM.recvuntil(b'Your choice: ').decode())

REM.sendline(b'1')  #get a guest token
data = REM.recvline().replace(b"'",b'"') # badly formatted json
token = json.loads(data)['token']

admin_token = token[32:] # first 32 is iv
iv = bytes.fromhex(token[:32])
iv_xor = b'\x00'*7 + xor(b'9','0')*4 + b'\x00'*5
iv_for_admin = xor(iv_xor, iv).hex()


# ractf{cbc_b17_fl1pp1n6_F7W!}

How to make the challenge more difficult

The challenge would be more ~difficult~ interesting if timestamps were modified, and we have to modify the timestamps too to get access :wink:.
Nevertheless, awesome work ReallyAwesomeCTF

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