Module cryptanalysis.linear_cryptanalysis

Module for performing linear cryptanalysis on Substitution Permutation Network based ciphers.

Classes: - LinearCryptanalysis: Class for performing linear cryptanalysis.

Usage: Import the linear_cryptanalysis module to access the LinearCryptanalysis class.

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Module for performing linear cryptanalysis on Substitution Permutation Network based ciphers.

- LinearCryptanalysis: Class for performing linear cryptanalysis.

Import the `linear_cryptanalysis` module to access the `LinearCryptanalysis` class.
from collections import Counter
from itertools import product
import random
from tqdm import tqdm
from .cryptanalysis import Cryptanalysis
from .utils import parity

__all__ = ["LinearCryptanalysis"]

class LinearCryptanalysis(Cryptanalysis):
    Class for performing linear cryptanalysis.

    - __init__: Initialize the linear cryptanalysis algorithm.
    - find_keybits: Find the key bits using linear cryptanalysis.
    - _find_keybits_multimasks: Expeimental method utilising mutiple linear characteristics on the same block to find key bits
    - find_last_roundkey: Find the last round key using linear cryptanalysis.
    - generate_encryption_pairs: Generate encryption pairs for linear cryptanalysis.

    def __init__(self, sbox, pbox, num_rounds):
        Initialize the LinearCryptanalysis algorithm.

        - sbox: The substitution box used in the SPN
        - pbox: The permutation box used in the SPN
        - num_rounds: The number of rounds in the SPN

        - This method is called when creating an instance of the LinearCryptanalysis class.
        super().__init__(sbox, pbox, num_rounds, 'linear')

    def _find_keybits_multimasks(self, in_out_masks, ptct_pairs, known_keyblocks=()):
        """Finds the key bits based on multiple input-output masks for a given block and plaintext-ciphertext pairs.

        This method takes a list of input-output masks, a list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs,
        and an optional list of known key blocks as input.
        Note that this method is experimental to try out using more than one linear characteristic ending on a block.

            in_out_masks (list): A list of input-output masks for key search.
            ptct_pairs (list): A list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs used for analysis.
            known_keyblocks (list, optional): A list of known key blocks. Defaults to an empty list.

            list: A list of Counter objects containing the key bit differences for each active block.
        key_diffcounts = [Counter() for i in range(self.num_sbox)]
        for in_mask, out_mask, _ in tqdm(in_out_masks):
            out_blocks = self.int_to_list(out_mask)
            active_blocks = [i for i, v in enumerate(
                out_blocks) if v and i not in known_keyblocks]
            key_diffcount_curr = Counter()
            for klst in product(range(len(self.sbox)), repeat=len(active_blocks)):
                key = [0] * self.num_sbox
                for i, v in zip(active_blocks, klst):
                    key[i] = v
                key = self.list_to_int(key)
                for pt, ct in ptct_pairs:
                    ct_last = self.dec_partial_last_noperm(ct, [key])
                    key_diffcount_curr[key] += parity((pt & in_mask) ^ (ct_last & out_mask))
            for i in key_diffcount_curr:
                count = abs(key_diffcount_curr[i] - len(ptct_pairs) // 2)
                key_list = self.int_to_list(i)
                for j in active_blocks:
                    key_diffcounts[j][key_list[j]] += count
            for j in active_blocks:
                topn = key_diffcounts[j].most_common(self.box_size)
                for i, v in topn:
                    print(i, v)
        return key_diffcounts

    def find_keybits(self, in_mask, out_mask, ptct_pairs, known_keyblocks=()):
        """Finds the key bits based on an input mask, an output mask, and plaintext-ciphertext pairs.

        This method takes an input mask, an output mask, a list of plaintext-ciphertext
        pairs, and an optional list of known key blocks as input.
        It implements the logic to find the key bits based on the provided parameters.

            in_mask (int): The input mask for the key search.
            out_mask (int): The output mask for the key search.
            ptct_pairs (list): A list of tuples of plaintext-ciphertext pairs used for analysis.
            known_keyblocks (list, optional): A list of known key blocks. Defaults to an empty list.

            int: A integer representing the most probable keybits

        out_blocks = self.int_to_list(out_mask)
        active_blocks = [i for i, v in enumerate(
            out_blocks) if v and i not in known_keyblocks]
        key_diffcounts = Counter()
        for klst in product(range(len(self.sbox)), repeat=len(active_blocks)):
            key = [0] * self.num_sbox
            for i, v in zip(active_blocks, klst):
                key[i] = v
            key = self.list_to_int(key)
            for pt, ct in ptct_pairs:
                ct_last = self.dec_partial_last_noperm(ct, [key])
                key_diffcounts[key] += parity((pt & in_mask) ^ (ct_last & out_mask))
        for i in key_diffcounts:
            key_diffcounts[i] = abs(key_diffcounts[i] - len(ptct_pairs) // 2)
        topn = key_diffcounts.most_common(self.box_size)
        for i, v in topn:
            print(self.int_to_list(i), v)
        return topn[0]

    def find_last_roundkey(self, outmasks, cutoff=50000, multiple=1000):
        """Finds the last round key based on output masks.

        This method overrides the abstract `find_last_roundkey` method in the `Cryptanalysis` class.
        It takes a list of output masks, a cutoff value, and a multiple value as input.
        It implements the logic to find the last round key based on the output
        masks and the specified parameters.

            outmasks (list): A list of tuples of (input, output masks, bias) for which
                                the last round key needs to be found.
            cutoff (int, optional): The cutoff value used for the maximum number of encryptions
                                    called from oracle in determining the last round key. Defaults to 10000.
            multiple (int, optional): The multiple indicating the size of the batch of values to be
                                encrypted at once used for generating encryption pairs. Defaults to 1000.

            list: The last round key determined based on the output masks.
        final_key = [None] * self.num_sbox
        all_pt_ct_pairs = self.generate_encryption_pairs(outmasks, cutoff, multiple=multiple)
        for ptct_pairs, (inp_mask, out_mask, _) in zip(all_pt_ct_pairs, outmasks):
            k = self.find_keybits(inp_mask, out_mask, ptct_pairs, [
                i for i, v in enumerate(final_key) if v is not None])
            kr = self.int_to_list(k[0])
            for i, v in enumerate(self.int_to_list(out_mask)):
                if v and final_key[i] is None:
                    final_key[i] = kr[i]
        return final_key

    def generate_encryption_pairs(self, outmasks, cutoff=10000, multiple=1000):
        """Generates encryption pairs for a set of output masks.

        This method takes a list of output masks, a cutoff value, and a multiple value as input.
        It generates plaintext-ciphertext pairs for each output mask based on the specified parameters.

            outmasks (list): A list of tuples of (input, output masks, bias) for which
                                the last round key needs to be found.
            cutoff (int, optional): The cutoff value used for the maximum number of encryptions
                                    called from oracle in determining the last round key. Defaults to 10000.
            multiple (int, optional): The multiple indicating the size of the batch of values to be
                                encrypted at once used for generating encryption pairs. Defaults to 1000.
            list: A list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs for each output mask.
        max_threshold = max(100 * int(1 / (bias * bias)) for _, _, bias in outmasks)
        threshold = min(cutoff, max_threshold)
        all_pt = list(self.encryptions)[:threshold]
        while len(all_pt) < threshold:
            r = random.randint(0, 2**(self.num_sbox * self.box_size) - 1)
            if r in self.encryptions:
            self.encryptions[r] = None
        all_ptct = [(i, self.encryptions[i]) for i in all_pt]
        return [all_ptct] * len(outmasks)


class LinearCryptanalysis (sbox, pbox, num_rounds)

Class for performing linear cryptanalysis.

Methods: - init: Initialize the linear cryptanalysis algorithm. - find_keybits: Find the key bits using linear cryptanalysis. - _find_keybits_multimasks: Expeimental method utilising mutiple linear characteristics on the same block to find key bits - find_last_roundkey: Find the last round key using linear cryptanalysis. - generate_encryption_pairs: Generate encryption pairs for linear cryptanalysis.

Initialize the LinearCryptanalysis algorithm.

Parameters: - sbox: The substitution box used in the SPN - pbox: The permutation box used in the SPN - num_rounds: The number of rounds in the SPN

Notes: - This method is called when creating an instance of the LinearCryptanalysis class.

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class LinearCryptanalysis(Cryptanalysis):
    Class for performing linear cryptanalysis.

    - __init__: Initialize the linear cryptanalysis algorithm.
    - find_keybits: Find the key bits using linear cryptanalysis.
    - _find_keybits_multimasks: Expeimental method utilising mutiple linear characteristics on the same block to find key bits
    - find_last_roundkey: Find the last round key using linear cryptanalysis.
    - generate_encryption_pairs: Generate encryption pairs for linear cryptanalysis.

    def __init__(self, sbox, pbox, num_rounds):
        Initialize the LinearCryptanalysis algorithm.

        - sbox: The substitution box used in the SPN
        - pbox: The permutation box used in the SPN
        - num_rounds: The number of rounds in the SPN

        - This method is called when creating an instance of the LinearCryptanalysis class.
        super().__init__(sbox, pbox, num_rounds, 'linear')

    def _find_keybits_multimasks(self, in_out_masks, ptct_pairs, known_keyblocks=()):
        """Finds the key bits based on multiple input-output masks for a given block and plaintext-ciphertext pairs.

        This method takes a list of input-output masks, a list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs,
        and an optional list of known key blocks as input.
        Note that this method is experimental to try out using more than one linear characteristic ending on a block.

            in_out_masks (list): A list of input-output masks for key search.
            ptct_pairs (list): A list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs used for analysis.
            known_keyblocks (list, optional): A list of known key blocks. Defaults to an empty list.

            list: A list of Counter objects containing the key bit differences for each active block.
        key_diffcounts = [Counter() for i in range(self.num_sbox)]
        for in_mask, out_mask, _ in tqdm(in_out_masks):
            out_blocks = self.int_to_list(out_mask)
            active_blocks = [i for i, v in enumerate(
                out_blocks) if v and i not in known_keyblocks]
            key_diffcount_curr = Counter()
            for klst in product(range(len(self.sbox)), repeat=len(active_blocks)):
                key = [0] * self.num_sbox
                for i, v in zip(active_blocks, klst):
                    key[i] = v
                key = self.list_to_int(key)
                for pt, ct in ptct_pairs:
                    ct_last = self.dec_partial_last_noperm(ct, [key])
                    key_diffcount_curr[key] += parity((pt & in_mask) ^ (ct_last & out_mask))
            for i in key_diffcount_curr:
                count = abs(key_diffcount_curr[i] - len(ptct_pairs) // 2)
                key_list = self.int_to_list(i)
                for j in active_blocks:
                    key_diffcounts[j][key_list[j]] += count
            for j in active_blocks:
                topn = key_diffcounts[j].most_common(self.box_size)
                for i, v in topn:
                    print(i, v)
        return key_diffcounts

    def find_keybits(self, in_mask, out_mask, ptct_pairs, known_keyblocks=()):
        """Finds the key bits based on an input mask, an output mask, and plaintext-ciphertext pairs.

        This method takes an input mask, an output mask, a list of plaintext-ciphertext
        pairs, and an optional list of known key blocks as input.
        It implements the logic to find the key bits based on the provided parameters.

            in_mask (int): The input mask for the key search.
            out_mask (int): The output mask for the key search.
            ptct_pairs (list): A list of tuples of plaintext-ciphertext pairs used for analysis.
            known_keyblocks (list, optional): A list of known key blocks. Defaults to an empty list.

            int: A integer representing the most probable keybits

        out_blocks = self.int_to_list(out_mask)
        active_blocks = [i for i, v in enumerate(
            out_blocks) if v and i not in known_keyblocks]
        key_diffcounts = Counter()
        for klst in product(range(len(self.sbox)), repeat=len(active_blocks)):
            key = [0] * self.num_sbox
            for i, v in zip(active_blocks, klst):
                key[i] = v
            key = self.list_to_int(key)
            for pt, ct in ptct_pairs:
                ct_last = self.dec_partial_last_noperm(ct, [key])
                key_diffcounts[key] += parity((pt & in_mask) ^ (ct_last & out_mask))
        for i in key_diffcounts:
            key_diffcounts[i] = abs(key_diffcounts[i] - len(ptct_pairs) // 2)
        topn = key_diffcounts.most_common(self.box_size)
        for i, v in topn:
            print(self.int_to_list(i), v)
        return topn[0]

    def find_last_roundkey(self, outmasks, cutoff=50000, multiple=1000):
        """Finds the last round key based on output masks.

        This method overrides the abstract `find_last_roundkey` method in the `Cryptanalysis` class.
        It takes a list of output masks, a cutoff value, and a multiple value as input.
        It implements the logic to find the last round key based on the output
        masks and the specified parameters.

            outmasks (list): A list of tuples of (input, output masks, bias) for which
                                the last round key needs to be found.
            cutoff (int, optional): The cutoff value used for the maximum number of encryptions
                                    called from oracle in determining the last round key. Defaults to 10000.
            multiple (int, optional): The multiple indicating the size of the batch of values to be
                                encrypted at once used for generating encryption pairs. Defaults to 1000.

            list: The last round key determined based on the output masks.
        final_key = [None] * self.num_sbox
        all_pt_ct_pairs = self.generate_encryption_pairs(outmasks, cutoff, multiple=multiple)
        for ptct_pairs, (inp_mask, out_mask, _) in zip(all_pt_ct_pairs, outmasks):
            k = self.find_keybits(inp_mask, out_mask, ptct_pairs, [
                i for i, v in enumerate(final_key) if v is not None])
            kr = self.int_to_list(k[0])
            for i, v in enumerate(self.int_to_list(out_mask)):
                if v and final_key[i] is None:
                    final_key[i] = kr[i]
        return final_key

    def generate_encryption_pairs(self, outmasks, cutoff=10000, multiple=1000):
        """Generates encryption pairs for a set of output masks.

        This method takes a list of output masks, a cutoff value, and a multiple value as input.
        It generates plaintext-ciphertext pairs for each output mask based on the specified parameters.

            outmasks (list): A list of tuples of (input, output masks, bias) for which
                                the last round key needs to be found.
            cutoff (int, optional): The cutoff value used for the maximum number of encryptions
                                    called from oracle in determining the last round key. Defaults to 10000.
            multiple (int, optional): The multiple indicating the size of the batch of values to be
                                encrypted at once used for generating encryption pairs. Defaults to 1000.
            list: A list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs for each output mask.
        max_threshold = max(100 * int(1 / (bias * bias)) for _, _, bias in outmasks)
        threshold = min(cutoff, max_threshold)
        all_pt = list(self.encryptions)[:threshold]
        while len(all_pt) < threshold:
            r = random.randint(0, 2**(self.num_sbox * self.box_size) - 1)
            if r in self.encryptions:
            self.encryptions[r] = None
        all_ptct = [(i, self.encryptions[i]) for i in all_pt]
        return [all_ptct] * len(outmasks)



def find_keybits(self, in_mask, out_mask, ptct_pairs, known_keyblocks=())

Finds the key bits based on an input mask, an output mask, and plaintext-ciphertext pairs.

This method takes an input mask, an output mask, a list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs, and an optional list of known key blocks as input. It implements the logic to find the key bits based on the provided parameters.


in_mask : int
The input mask for the key search.
out_mask : int
The output mask for the key search.
ptct_pairs : list
A list of tuples of plaintext-ciphertext pairs used for analysis.
known_keyblocks : list, optional
A list of known key blocks. Defaults to an empty list.


A integer representing the most probable keybits
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def find_keybits(self, in_mask, out_mask, ptct_pairs, known_keyblocks=()):
    """Finds the key bits based on an input mask, an output mask, and plaintext-ciphertext pairs.

    This method takes an input mask, an output mask, a list of plaintext-ciphertext
    pairs, and an optional list of known key blocks as input.
    It implements the logic to find the key bits based on the provided parameters.

        in_mask (int): The input mask for the key search.
        out_mask (int): The output mask for the key search.
        ptct_pairs (list): A list of tuples of plaintext-ciphertext pairs used for analysis.
        known_keyblocks (list, optional): A list of known key blocks. Defaults to an empty list.

        int: A integer representing the most probable keybits

    out_blocks = self.int_to_list(out_mask)
    active_blocks = [i for i, v in enumerate(
        out_blocks) if v and i not in known_keyblocks]
    key_diffcounts = Counter()
    for klst in product(range(len(self.sbox)), repeat=len(active_blocks)):
        key = [0] * self.num_sbox
        for i, v in zip(active_blocks, klst):
            key[i] = v
        key = self.list_to_int(key)
        for pt, ct in ptct_pairs:
            ct_last = self.dec_partial_last_noperm(ct, [key])
            key_diffcounts[key] += parity((pt & in_mask) ^ (ct_last & out_mask))
    for i in key_diffcounts:
        key_diffcounts[i] = abs(key_diffcounts[i] - len(ptct_pairs) // 2)
    topn = key_diffcounts.most_common(self.box_size)
    for i, v in topn:
        print(self.int_to_list(i), v)
    return topn[0]
def find_last_roundkey(self, outmasks, cutoff=50000, multiple=1000)

Finds the last round key based on output masks.

This method overrides the abstract find_last_roundkey method in the Cryptanalysis class. It takes a list of output masks, a cutoff value, and a multiple value as input. It implements the logic to find the last round key based on the output masks and the specified parameters.


outmasks : list
A list of tuples of (input, output masks, bias) for which the last round key needs to be found.
cutoff : int, optional
The cutoff value used for the maximum number of encryptions called from oracle in determining the last round key. Defaults to 10000.
multiple : int, optional
The multiple indicating the size of the batch of values to be encrypted at once used for generating encryption pairs. Defaults to 1000.


The last round key determined based on the output masks.
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def find_last_roundkey(self, outmasks, cutoff=50000, multiple=1000):
    """Finds the last round key based on output masks.

    This method overrides the abstract `find_last_roundkey` method in the `Cryptanalysis` class.
    It takes a list of output masks, a cutoff value, and a multiple value as input.
    It implements the logic to find the last round key based on the output
    masks and the specified parameters.

        outmasks (list): A list of tuples of (input, output masks, bias) for which
                            the last round key needs to be found.
        cutoff (int, optional): The cutoff value used for the maximum number of encryptions
                                called from oracle in determining the last round key. Defaults to 10000.
        multiple (int, optional): The multiple indicating the size of the batch of values to be
                            encrypted at once used for generating encryption pairs. Defaults to 1000.

        list: The last round key determined based on the output masks.
    final_key = [None] * self.num_sbox
    all_pt_ct_pairs = self.generate_encryption_pairs(outmasks, cutoff, multiple=multiple)
    for ptct_pairs, (inp_mask, out_mask, _) in zip(all_pt_ct_pairs, outmasks):
        k = self.find_keybits(inp_mask, out_mask, ptct_pairs, [
            i for i, v in enumerate(final_key) if v is not None])
        kr = self.int_to_list(k[0])
        for i, v in enumerate(self.int_to_list(out_mask)):
            if v and final_key[i] is None:
                final_key[i] = kr[i]
    return final_key
def generate_encryption_pairs(self, outmasks, cutoff=10000, multiple=1000)

Generates encryption pairs for a set of output masks.

This method takes a list of output masks, a cutoff value, and a multiple value as input. It generates plaintext-ciphertext pairs for each output mask based on the specified parameters.


outmasks : list
A list of tuples of (input, output masks, bias) for which the last round key needs to be found.
cutoff : int, optional
The cutoff value used for the maximum number of encryptions called from oracle in determining the last round key. Defaults to 10000.
multiple : int, optional
The multiple indicating the size of the batch of values to be encrypted at once used for generating encryption pairs. Defaults to 1000.


A list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs for each output mask.
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def generate_encryption_pairs(self, outmasks, cutoff=10000, multiple=1000):
    """Generates encryption pairs for a set of output masks.

    This method takes a list of output masks, a cutoff value, and a multiple value as input.
    It generates plaintext-ciphertext pairs for each output mask based on the specified parameters.

        outmasks (list): A list of tuples of (input, output masks, bias) for which
                            the last round key needs to be found.
        cutoff (int, optional): The cutoff value used for the maximum number of encryptions
                                called from oracle in determining the last round key. Defaults to 10000.
        multiple (int, optional): The multiple indicating the size of the batch of values to be
                            encrypted at once used for generating encryption pairs. Defaults to 1000.
        list: A list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs for each output mask.
    max_threshold = max(100 * int(1 / (bias * bias)) for _, _, bias in outmasks)
    threshold = min(cutoff, max_threshold)
    all_pt = list(self.encryptions)[:threshold]
    while len(all_pt) < threshold:
        r = random.randint(0, 2**(self.num_sbox * self.box_size) - 1)
        if r in self.encryptions:
        self.encryptions[r] = None
    all_ptct = [(i, self.encryptions[i]) for i in all_pt]
    return [all_ptct] * len(outmasks)

Inherited members