Module cryptanalysis.linear_cryptanalysis
Module for performing linear cryptanalysis on Substitution Permutation Network based ciphers.
Classes: - LinearCryptanalysis: Class for performing linear cryptanalysis.
Import the linear_cryptanalysis
module to access the LinearCryptanalysis
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Module for performing linear cryptanalysis on Substitution Permutation Network based ciphers.
- LinearCryptanalysis: Class for performing linear cryptanalysis.
Import the `linear_cryptanalysis` module to access the `LinearCryptanalysis` class.
from collections import Counter
from itertools import product
import random
from tqdm import tqdm
from .cryptanalysis import Cryptanalysis
from .utils import parity
__all__ = ["LinearCryptanalysis"]
class LinearCryptanalysis(Cryptanalysis):
Class for performing linear cryptanalysis.
- __init__: Initialize the linear cryptanalysis algorithm.
- find_keybits: Find the key bits using linear cryptanalysis.
- _find_keybits_multimasks: Expeimental method utilising mutiple linear characteristics on the same block to find key bits
- find_last_roundkey: Find the last round key using linear cryptanalysis.
- generate_encryption_pairs: Generate encryption pairs for linear cryptanalysis.
def __init__(self, sbox, pbox, num_rounds):
Initialize the LinearCryptanalysis algorithm.
- sbox: The substitution box used in the SPN
- pbox: The permutation box used in the SPN
- num_rounds: The number of rounds in the SPN
- This method is called when creating an instance of the LinearCryptanalysis class.
super().__init__(sbox, pbox, num_rounds, 'linear')
def _find_keybits_multimasks(self, in_out_masks, ptct_pairs, known_keyblocks=()):
"""Finds the key bits based on multiple input-output masks for a given block and plaintext-ciphertext pairs.
This method takes a list of input-output masks, a list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs,
and an optional list of known key blocks as input.
Note that this method is experimental to try out using more than one linear characteristic ending on a block.
in_out_masks (list): A list of input-output masks for key search.
ptct_pairs (list): A list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs used for analysis.
known_keyblocks (list, optional): A list of known key blocks. Defaults to an empty list.
list: A list of Counter objects containing the key bit differences for each active block.
key_diffcounts = [Counter() for i in range(self.num_sbox)]
for in_mask, out_mask, _ in tqdm(in_out_masks):
out_blocks = self.int_to_list(out_mask)
active_blocks = [i for i, v in enumerate(
out_blocks) if v and i not in known_keyblocks]
key_diffcount_curr = Counter()
for klst in product(range(len(self.sbox)), repeat=len(active_blocks)):
key = [0] * self.num_sbox
for i, v in zip(active_blocks, klst):
key[i] = v
key = self.list_to_int(key)
for pt, ct in ptct_pairs:
ct_last = self.dec_partial_last_noperm(ct, [key])
key_diffcount_curr[key] += parity((pt & in_mask) ^ (ct_last & out_mask))
for i in key_diffcount_curr:
count = abs(key_diffcount_curr[i] - len(ptct_pairs) // 2)
key_list = self.int_to_list(i)
for j in active_blocks:
key_diffcounts[j][key_list[j]] += count
for j in active_blocks:
topn = key_diffcounts[j].most_common(self.box_size)
for i, v in topn:
print(i, v)
return key_diffcounts
def find_keybits(self, in_mask, out_mask, ptct_pairs, known_keyblocks=()):
"""Finds the key bits based on an input mask, an output mask, and plaintext-ciphertext pairs.
This method takes an input mask, an output mask, a list of plaintext-ciphertext
pairs, and an optional list of known key blocks as input.
It implements the logic to find the key bits based on the provided parameters.
in_mask (int): The input mask for the key search.
out_mask (int): The output mask for the key search.
ptct_pairs (list): A list of tuples of plaintext-ciphertext pairs used for analysis.
known_keyblocks (list, optional): A list of known key blocks. Defaults to an empty list.
int: A integer representing the most probable keybits
out_blocks = self.int_to_list(out_mask)
active_blocks = [i for i, v in enumerate(
out_blocks) if v and i not in known_keyblocks]
key_diffcounts = Counter()
for klst in product(range(len(self.sbox)), repeat=len(active_blocks)):
key = [0] * self.num_sbox
for i, v in zip(active_blocks, klst):
key[i] = v
key = self.list_to_int(key)
for pt, ct in ptct_pairs:
ct_last = self.dec_partial_last_noperm(ct, [key])
key_diffcounts[key] += parity((pt & in_mask) ^ (ct_last & out_mask))
for i in key_diffcounts:
key_diffcounts[i] = abs(key_diffcounts[i] - len(ptct_pairs) // 2)
topn = key_diffcounts.most_common(self.box_size)
for i, v in topn:
print(self.int_to_list(i), v)
return topn[0]
def find_last_roundkey(self, outmasks, cutoff=50000, multiple=1000):
"""Finds the last round key based on output masks.
This method overrides the abstract `find_last_roundkey` method in the `Cryptanalysis` class.
It takes a list of output masks, a cutoff value, and a multiple value as input.
It implements the logic to find the last round key based on the output
masks and the specified parameters.
outmasks (list): A list of tuples of (input, output masks, bias) for which
the last round key needs to be found.
cutoff (int, optional): The cutoff value used for the maximum number of encryptions
called from oracle in determining the last round key. Defaults to 10000.
multiple (int, optional): The multiple indicating the size of the batch of values to be
encrypted at once used for generating encryption pairs. Defaults to 1000.
list: The last round key determined based on the output masks.
final_key = [None] * self.num_sbox
all_pt_ct_pairs = self.generate_encryption_pairs(outmasks, cutoff, multiple=multiple)
for ptct_pairs, (inp_mask, out_mask, _) in zip(all_pt_ct_pairs, outmasks):
k = self.find_keybits(inp_mask, out_mask, ptct_pairs, [
i for i, v in enumerate(final_key) if v is not None])
kr = self.int_to_list(k[0])
for i, v in enumerate(self.int_to_list(out_mask)):
if v and final_key[i] is None:
final_key[i] = kr[i]
return final_key
def generate_encryption_pairs(self, outmasks, cutoff=10000, multiple=1000):
"""Generates encryption pairs for a set of output masks.
This method takes a list of output masks, a cutoff value, and a multiple value as input.
It generates plaintext-ciphertext pairs for each output mask based on the specified parameters.
outmasks (list): A list of tuples of (input, output masks, bias) for which
the last round key needs to be found.
cutoff (int, optional): The cutoff value used for the maximum number of encryptions
called from oracle in determining the last round key. Defaults to 10000.
multiple (int, optional): The multiple indicating the size of the batch of values to be
encrypted at once used for generating encryption pairs. Defaults to 1000.
list: A list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs for each output mask.
max_threshold = max(100 * int(1 / (bias * bias)) for _, _, bias in outmasks)
threshold = min(cutoff, max_threshold)
all_pt = list(self.encryptions)[:threshold]
while len(all_pt) < threshold:
r = random.randint(0, 2**(self.num_sbox * self.box_size) - 1)
if r in self.encryptions:
self.encryptions[r] = None
all_ptct = [(i, self.encryptions[i]) for i in all_pt]
return [all_ptct] * len(outmasks)
class LinearCryptanalysis (sbox, pbox, num_rounds)
Class for performing linear cryptanalysis.
Methods: - init: Initialize the linear cryptanalysis algorithm. - find_keybits: Find the key bits using linear cryptanalysis. - _find_keybits_multimasks: Expeimental method utilising mutiple linear characteristics on the same block to find key bits - find_last_roundkey: Find the last round key using linear cryptanalysis. - generate_encryption_pairs: Generate encryption pairs for linear cryptanalysis.
Initialize the LinearCryptanalysis algorithm.
Parameters: - sbox: The substitution box used in the SPN - pbox: The permutation box used in the SPN - num_rounds: The number of rounds in the SPN
Notes: - This method is called when creating an instance of the LinearCryptanalysis class.
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class LinearCryptanalysis(Cryptanalysis): """ Class for performing linear cryptanalysis. Methods: - __init__: Initialize the linear cryptanalysis algorithm. - find_keybits: Find the key bits using linear cryptanalysis. - _find_keybits_multimasks: Expeimental method utilising mutiple linear characteristics on the same block to find key bits - find_last_roundkey: Find the last round key using linear cryptanalysis. - generate_encryption_pairs: Generate encryption pairs for linear cryptanalysis. """ def __init__(self, sbox, pbox, num_rounds): """ Initialize the LinearCryptanalysis algorithm. Parameters: - sbox: The substitution box used in the SPN - pbox: The permutation box used in the SPN - num_rounds: The number of rounds in the SPN Notes: - This method is called when creating an instance of the LinearCryptanalysis class. """ super().__init__(sbox, pbox, num_rounds, 'linear') def _find_keybits_multimasks(self, in_out_masks, ptct_pairs, known_keyblocks=()): """Finds the key bits based on multiple input-output masks for a given block and plaintext-ciphertext pairs. This method takes a list of input-output masks, a list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs, and an optional list of known key blocks as input. Note that this method is experimental to try out using more than one linear characteristic ending on a block. Args: in_out_masks (list): A list of input-output masks for key search. ptct_pairs (list): A list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs used for analysis. known_keyblocks (list, optional): A list of known key blocks. Defaults to an empty list. Returns: list: A list of Counter objects containing the key bit differences for each active block. """ key_diffcounts = [Counter() for i in range(self.num_sbox)] for in_mask, out_mask, _ in tqdm(in_out_masks): out_blocks = self.int_to_list(out_mask) active_blocks = [i for i, v in enumerate( out_blocks) if v and i not in known_keyblocks] key_diffcount_curr = Counter() for klst in product(range(len(self.sbox)), repeat=len(active_blocks)): key = [0] * self.num_sbox for i, v in zip(active_blocks, klst): key[i] = v key = self.list_to_int(key) for pt, ct in ptct_pairs: ct_last = self.dec_partial_last_noperm(ct, [key]) key_diffcount_curr[key] += parity((pt & in_mask) ^ (ct_last & out_mask)) for i in key_diffcount_curr: count = abs(key_diffcount_curr[i] - len(ptct_pairs) // 2) key_list = self.int_to_list(i) for j in active_blocks: key_diffcounts[j][key_list[j]] += count for j in active_blocks: topn = key_diffcounts[j].most_common(self.box_size) for i, v in topn: print(i, v) return key_diffcounts def find_keybits(self, in_mask, out_mask, ptct_pairs, known_keyblocks=()): """Finds the key bits based on an input mask, an output mask, and plaintext-ciphertext pairs. This method takes an input mask, an output mask, a list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs, and an optional list of known key blocks as input. It implements the logic to find the key bits based on the provided parameters. Args: in_mask (int): The input mask for the key search. out_mask (int): The output mask for the key search. ptct_pairs (list): A list of tuples of plaintext-ciphertext pairs used for analysis. known_keyblocks (list, optional): A list of known key blocks. Defaults to an empty list. Returns: int: A integer representing the most probable keybits """ out_blocks = self.int_to_list(out_mask) active_blocks = [i for i, v in enumerate( out_blocks) if v and i not in known_keyblocks] key_diffcounts = Counter() for klst in product(range(len(self.sbox)), repeat=len(active_blocks)): key = [0] * self.num_sbox for i, v in zip(active_blocks, klst): key[i] = v key = self.list_to_int(key) for pt, ct in ptct_pairs: ct_last = self.dec_partial_last_noperm(ct, [key]) key_diffcounts[key] += parity((pt & in_mask) ^ (ct_last & out_mask)) for i in key_diffcounts: key_diffcounts[i] = abs(key_diffcounts[i] - len(ptct_pairs) // 2) topn = key_diffcounts.most_common(self.box_size) for i, v in topn: print(self.int_to_list(i), v) return topn[0] def find_last_roundkey(self, outmasks, cutoff=50000, multiple=1000): """Finds the last round key based on output masks. This method overrides the abstract `find_last_roundkey` method in the `Cryptanalysis` class. It takes a list of output masks, a cutoff value, and a multiple value as input. It implements the logic to find the last round key based on the output masks and the specified parameters. Args: outmasks (list): A list of tuples of (input, output masks, bias) for which the last round key needs to be found. cutoff (int, optional): The cutoff value used for the maximum number of encryptions called from oracle in determining the last round key. Defaults to 10000. multiple (int, optional): The multiple indicating the size of the batch of values to be encrypted at once used for generating encryption pairs. Defaults to 1000. Returns: list: The last round key determined based on the output masks. """ final_key = [None] * self.num_sbox all_pt_ct_pairs = self.generate_encryption_pairs(outmasks, cutoff, multiple=multiple) for ptct_pairs, (inp_mask, out_mask, _) in zip(all_pt_ct_pairs, outmasks): k = self.find_keybits(inp_mask, out_mask, ptct_pairs, [ i for i, v in enumerate(final_key) if v is not None]) kr = self.int_to_list(k[0]) print(kr) for i, v in enumerate(self.int_to_list(out_mask)): if v and final_key[i] is None: final_key[i] = kr[i] print(final_key) print() return final_key def generate_encryption_pairs(self, outmasks, cutoff=10000, multiple=1000): """Generates encryption pairs for a set of output masks. This method takes a list of output masks, a cutoff value, and a multiple value as input. It generates plaintext-ciphertext pairs for each output mask based on the specified parameters. Args: outmasks (list): A list of tuples of (input, output masks, bias) for which the last round key needs to be found. cutoff (int, optional): The cutoff value used for the maximum number of encryptions called from oracle in determining the last round key. Defaults to 10000. multiple (int, optional): The multiple indicating the size of the batch of values to be encrypted at once used for generating encryption pairs. Defaults to 1000. Returns: list: A list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs for each output mask. """ max_threshold = max(100 * int(1 / (bias * bias)) for _, _, bias in outmasks) threshold = min(cutoff, max_threshold) all_pt = list(self.encryptions)[:threshold] while len(all_pt) < threshold: r = random.randint(0, 2**(self.num_sbox * self.box_size) - 1) if r in self.encryptions: continue self.encryptions[r] = None all_pt.append(r) self.update_encryptions(multiple=multiple) all_ptct = [(i, self.encryptions[i]) for i in all_pt] return [all_ptct] * len(outmasks)
- Cryptanalysis
- abc.ABC
def find_keybits(self, in_mask, out_mask, ptct_pairs, known_keyblocks=())
Finds the key bits based on an input mask, an output mask, and plaintext-ciphertext pairs.
This method takes an input mask, an output mask, a list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs, and an optional list of known key blocks as input. It implements the logic to find the key bits based on the provided parameters.
- The input mask for the key search.
- The output mask for the key search.
- A list of tuples of plaintext-ciphertext pairs used for analysis.
, optional- A list of known key blocks. Defaults to an empty list.
- A integer representing the most probable keybits
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def find_keybits(self, in_mask, out_mask, ptct_pairs, known_keyblocks=()): """Finds the key bits based on an input mask, an output mask, and plaintext-ciphertext pairs. This method takes an input mask, an output mask, a list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs, and an optional list of known key blocks as input. It implements the logic to find the key bits based on the provided parameters. Args: in_mask (int): The input mask for the key search. out_mask (int): The output mask for the key search. ptct_pairs (list): A list of tuples of plaintext-ciphertext pairs used for analysis. known_keyblocks (list, optional): A list of known key blocks. Defaults to an empty list. Returns: int: A integer representing the most probable keybits """ out_blocks = self.int_to_list(out_mask) active_blocks = [i for i, v in enumerate( out_blocks) if v and i not in known_keyblocks] key_diffcounts = Counter() for klst in product(range(len(self.sbox)), repeat=len(active_blocks)): key = [0] * self.num_sbox for i, v in zip(active_blocks, klst): key[i] = v key = self.list_to_int(key) for pt, ct in ptct_pairs: ct_last = self.dec_partial_last_noperm(ct, [key]) key_diffcounts[key] += parity((pt & in_mask) ^ (ct_last & out_mask)) for i in key_diffcounts: key_diffcounts[i] = abs(key_diffcounts[i] - len(ptct_pairs) // 2) topn = key_diffcounts.most_common(self.box_size) for i, v in topn: print(self.int_to_list(i), v) return topn[0]
def find_last_roundkey(self, outmasks, cutoff=50000, multiple=1000)
Finds the last round key based on output masks.
This method overrides the abstract
method in theCryptanalysis
class. It takes a list of output masks, a cutoff value, and a multiple value as input. It implements the logic to find the last round key based on the output masks and the specified parameters.Args
- A list of tuples of (input, output masks, bias) for which the last round key needs to be found.
, optional- The cutoff value used for the maximum number of encryptions called from oracle in determining the last round key. Defaults to 10000.
, optional- The multiple indicating the size of the batch of values to be encrypted at once used for generating encryption pairs. Defaults to 1000.
- The last round key determined based on the output masks.
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def find_last_roundkey(self, outmasks, cutoff=50000, multiple=1000): """Finds the last round key based on output masks. This method overrides the abstract `find_last_roundkey` method in the `Cryptanalysis` class. It takes a list of output masks, a cutoff value, and a multiple value as input. It implements the logic to find the last round key based on the output masks and the specified parameters. Args: outmasks (list): A list of tuples of (input, output masks, bias) for which the last round key needs to be found. cutoff (int, optional): The cutoff value used for the maximum number of encryptions called from oracle in determining the last round key. Defaults to 10000. multiple (int, optional): The multiple indicating the size of the batch of values to be encrypted at once used for generating encryption pairs. Defaults to 1000. Returns: list: The last round key determined based on the output masks. """ final_key = [None] * self.num_sbox all_pt_ct_pairs = self.generate_encryption_pairs(outmasks, cutoff, multiple=multiple) for ptct_pairs, (inp_mask, out_mask, _) in zip(all_pt_ct_pairs, outmasks): k = self.find_keybits(inp_mask, out_mask, ptct_pairs, [ i for i, v in enumerate(final_key) if v is not None]) kr = self.int_to_list(k[0]) print(kr) for i, v in enumerate(self.int_to_list(out_mask)): if v and final_key[i] is None: final_key[i] = kr[i] print(final_key) print() return final_key
def generate_encryption_pairs(self, outmasks, cutoff=10000, multiple=1000)
Generates encryption pairs for a set of output masks.
This method takes a list of output masks, a cutoff value, and a multiple value as input. It generates plaintext-ciphertext pairs for each output mask based on the specified parameters.
- A list of tuples of (input, output masks, bias) for which the last round key needs to be found.
, optional- The cutoff value used for the maximum number of encryptions called from oracle in determining the last round key. Defaults to 10000.
, optional- The multiple indicating the size of the batch of values to be encrypted at once used for generating encryption pairs. Defaults to 1000.
- A list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs for each output mask.
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def generate_encryption_pairs(self, outmasks, cutoff=10000, multiple=1000): """Generates encryption pairs for a set of output masks. This method takes a list of output masks, a cutoff value, and a multiple value as input. It generates plaintext-ciphertext pairs for each output mask based on the specified parameters. Args: outmasks (list): A list of tuples of (input, output masks, bias) for which the last round key needs to be found. cutoff (int, optional): The cutoff value used for the maximum number of encryptions called from oracle in determining the last round key. Defaults to 10000. multiple (int, optional): The multiple indicating the size of the batch of values to be encrypted at once used for generating encryption pairs. Defaults to 1000. Returns: list: A list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs for each output mask. """ max_threshold = max(100 * int(1 / (bias * bias)) for _, _, bias in outmasks) threshold = min(cutoff, max_threshold) all_pt = list(self.encryptions)[:threshold] while len(all_pt) < threshold: r = random.randint(0, 2**(self.num_sbox * self.box_size) - 1) if r in self.encryptions: continue self.encryptions[r] = None all_pt.append(r) self.update_encryptions(multiple=multiple) all_ptct = [(i, self.encryptions[i]) for i in all_pt] return [all_ptct] * len(outmasks)
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