Module cryptanalysis.spn

The spn module implements the Substitution-Permutation Network (SPN) encryption algorithm.

SPN is a symmetric-key block cipher that operates on fixed-size blocks of plaintext and produces corresponding blocks of ciphertext. It consists of several rounds of substitutions and permutations and key additions applied to the input data.

Classes: - SPN: Implementation of the SPN encryption algorithm.

Usage: Initialize an instance of the SPN class with the required parameters, then use the provided methods to perform encryption and decryption operations.

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The `spn` module implements the Substitution-Permutation Network (SPN) encryption algorithm.

SPN is a symmetric-key block cipher that operates on fixed-size blocks of plaintext and produces
corresponding blocks of ciphertext. It consists of several rounds of substitutions and permutations
and key additions applied to the input data.

- SPN: Implementation of the SPN encryption algorithm.

Initialize an instance of the `SPN` class with the required parameters, then use the provided methods
to perform encryption and decryption operations.
from math import log2

__all__ = ["rotate_left", "gen_pbox", "SPN"]

def rotate_left(val, shift, mod):
    Rotate the bits of the value to the left by the shift amount.

    val : int
        The value to be rotated.
    shift : int
        The number of places to shift the value to the left.
    mod : int
        The modulo to be applied on the result.

        The rotated value.

    The function rotates the bits of the value to the left by the shift amount,
    wrapping the bits that overflow. The result is then masked by (1<<mod)-1
    to only keep the mod number of least significant bits.

    shift = shift % mod
    return (val << shift | val >> (mod - shift)) & ((1 << mod) - 1)

def gen_pbox(s, n):
    Generate a balanced permutation box for an SPN.

    s : int
        Number of bits per S-box.
    n : int
        Number of S-boxes.

    list of int
        The generated P-box.

    return [(s * i + j) % (n * s) for j in range(s) for i in range(n)]

class SPN:
    Class representing the SPN (Substitution-Permutation Network) encryption algorithm.

        Apply the P-box permutation on the input.
        Apply the inverse P-box permutation on the input.
        Apply the S-box substitution on the input.
        Apply the inverse S-box substitution on the input.
        Convert a len(pbox)-sized integer to a list of S-box sized integers.
        Convert a list of S-box sized integers to a len(pbox)-sized integer.
    expand_key(key, rounds)
        Derive round keys deterministically from the given key.
        Encrypt plaintext using the SPN, where the last round doesn't contain the permute operation.
        Encrypt plaintext using the SPN, where the last round contains the permute operation.
        Decrypt ciphertext using the SPN, where the last round doesn't contain the permute operation.
        Decrypt ciphertext using the SPN, where the last round contains the permute operation.

    def __init__(self, sbox, pbox, key, rounds, implementation=0):
        Initialize the SPN class with the provided parameters.

        sbox : list of int
            List of integers representing the S-box.

        pbox : list of int
            List of integers representing the P-box.

        key : list of int or bytes or bytearray
            List of integers, bytes, or bytearray representing the key.
            LSB block_size bits will be used.

        rounds : int
            Number of rounds for the SPN.

        implementation : int, optional
            Implementation option. Default is 0.
            0: Last round doesn't contain the permute operation.
            1: Last round contains the permute operation.
        self.sbox = sbox
        self.pbox = pbox
        self.sinv = [sbox.index(i) for i in range(len(sbox))]
        self.pinv = [pbox.index(i) for i in range(len(pbox))]
        self.block_size = len(pbox)
        self.box_size = int(log2(len(sbox)))
        self.num_sbox = len(pbox) // self.box_size
        self.rounds = rounds
        self.round_keys = self.expand_key(key, rounds)
        if implementation == 0:
            self.encrypt = self._enc_last_noperm
            self.decrypt = self._dec_last_noperm
            self.encrypt = self._enc_last_withperm
            self.decrypt = self._dec_last_withperm

    def perm(self, inp: int) -> int:
        Apply the P-box permutation on the input.

        inp : int
            The input value to apply the P-box permutation on.

            The permuted value after applying the P-box.
        ct = 0
        for i, v in enumerate(self.pbox):
            ct |= (inp >> (self.block_size - 1 - i) & 1) << (
                self.block_size - 1 - v)
        return ct

    def inv_perm(self, inp: int) -> int:
        Apply the inverse P-box permutation on the input.

        inp : int
            The input value to apply the inverse P-box permutation on.

            The permuted value after applying the inverse P-box.
        ct = 0
        for i, v in enumerate(self.pinv):
            ct |= (inp >> (self.block_size - 1 - i) & 1) << (
                self.block_size - 1 - v)
        return ct

    def sub(self, inp: int) -> int:
        Apply the S-box substitution on the input.

        inp : int
            The input value to apply the S-box substitution on.

            The substituted value after applying the S-box.
        ct, bs = 0, self.box_size
        for i in range(self.num_sbox):
            ct |= self.sbox[(inp >> (i * bs)) & ((1 << bs) - 1)] << (bs * i)
        return ct

    def inv_sub(self, inp: int) -> int:
        Apply the inverse S-box substitution on the input.

        inp : int
            The input value to apply the inverse S-box substitution on.

            The substituted value after applying the inverse S-box.
        ct, bs = 0, self.box_size
        for i in range(self.num_sbox):
            ct |= self.sinv[(inp >> (i * bs)) & ((1 << bs) - 1)] << (bs * i)
        return ct

    def int_to_list(self, inp):
        Convert a len(pbox)-sized integer to a list of S-box sized integers.

        inp : int
            An integer representing a len(pbox)-sized input.

        list of int
            A list of integers, each representing an S-box sized input.
        bs = self.box_size
        return [(inp >> (i * bs)) & ((1 << bs) - 1)
                for i in range(self.num_sbox - 1, -1, -1)]

    def list_to_int(self, lst):
        Convert a list of S-box sized integers to a len(pbox)-sized integer.

        lst : list of int
            A list of integers, each representing an S-box sized input.

            An integer representing the combined input as a len(pbox)-sized integer.
        res = 0
        for i, v in enumerate(lst[::-1]):
            res |= v << (i * self.box_size)
        return res

    def expand_key(self, key, rounds):
        Derive round keys deterministically from the given key.

        key : list of int or bytes or bytearray
            A list of integers, bytes, or bytearray representing the key.
        rounds : int
            The number of rounds for the SPN.

        list of int
            A list of integers representing the derived round keys.
        if isinstance(key, list):
            key = self.list_to_int(key)
        elif isinstance(key, (bytes, bytearray)):
            key = int.from_bytes(key, 'big')
        block_mask = (1 << self.block_size) - 1
        key = key & block_mask
        keys = [key]
        for _ in range(rounds):
                keys[-1], self.box_size + 1, self.block_size)))
        return keys

    def _enc_last_noperm(self, pt: int) -> int:
        Encrypt plaintext using the SPN, where the last round doesn't contain the permute operation.

        pt : int
            The plaintext input to be encrypted.

            The ciphertext after encryption.
        ct = pt ^ self.round_keys[0]
        for round_key in self.round_keys[1:-1]:
            ct = self.sub(ct)
            ct = self.perm(ct)
            ct ^= round_key
        ct = self.sub(ct)
        return ct ^ self.round_keys[-1]

    def _enc_last_withperm(self, ct: int) -> int:
        Encrypt plaintext using the SPN, where the last round contains the permute operation.
        Note, the last permutation provides no additional security.

        ct : int
            The plaintext input to be encrypted.

            The ciphertext after encryption.
        for round_key in self.round_keys[:-1]:
            ct ^= round_key
            ct = self.sub(ct)
            ct = self.perm(ct)
        return ct ^ self.round_keys[-1]

    def _dec_last_noperm(self, ct: int) -> int:
        Decrypt ciphertext using the SPN, where the last round doesn't contain the permute operation.

        ct : int
            The ciphertext input to be decrypted.

            The plaintext after decryption.
        ct = ct ^ self.round_keys[-1]
        ct = self.inv_sub(ct)
        for rk in self.round_keys[-2:0:-1]:
            ct ^= rk
            ct = self.inv_perm(ct)
            ct = self.inv_sub(ct)
        return ct ^ self.round_keys[0]

    def _dec_last_withperm(self, ct: int) -> int:
        Decrypt ciphertext using the SPN, where the last round contains the permute operation.

        ct : int
            The ciphertext input to be decrypted.

            The plaintext after decryption.
        ct = ct ^ self.round_keys[-1]
        for rk in self.round_keys[-2::-1]:
            ct = self.inv_perm(ct)
            ct = self.inv_sub(ct)
            ct ^= rk
        return ct


def gen_pbox(s, n)

Generate a balanced permutation box for an SPN.


s : int
Number of bits per S-box.
n : int
Number of S-boxes.


list of int
The generated P-box.
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def gen_pbox(s, n):
    Generate a balanced permutation box for an SPN.

    s : int
        Number of bits per S-box.
    n : int
        Number of S-boxes.

    list of int
        The generated P-box.

    return [(s * i + j) % (n * s) for j in range(s) for i in range(n)]
def rotate_left(val, shift, mod)

Rotate the bits of the value to the left by the shift amount.


val : int
The value to be rotated.
shift : int
The number of places to shift the value to the left.
mod : int
The modulo to be applied on the result.


The rotated value.


The function rotates the bits of the value to the left by the shift amount, wrapping the bits that overflow. The result is then masked by (1<<mod)-1 to only keep the mod number of least significant bits.

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def rotate_left(val, shift, mod):
    Rotate the bits of the value to the left by the shift amount.

    val : int
        The value to be rotated.
    shift : int
        The number of places to shift the value to the left.
    mod : int
        The modulo to be applied on the result.

        The rotated value.

    The function rotates the bits of the value to the left by the shift amount,
    wrapping the bits that overflow. The result is then masked by (1<<mod)-1
    to only keep the mod number of least significant bits.

    shift = shift % mod
    return (val << shift | val >> (mod - shift)) & ((1 << mod) - 1)


class SPN (sbox, pbox, key, rounds, implementation=0)

Class representing the SPN (Substitution-Permutation Network) encryption algorithm.


perm(inp) Apply the P-box permutation on the input. inv_perm(inp) Apply the inverse P-box permutation on the input. sub(inp) Apply the S-box substitution on the input. inv_sub(inp) Apply the inverse S-box substitution on the input. int_to_list(inp) Convert a len(pbox)-sized integer to a list of S-box sized integers. list_to_int(lst) Convert a list of S-box sized integers to a len(pbox)-sized integer. expand_key(key, rounds) Derive round keys deterministically from the given key. _enc_last_noperm(pt) Encrypt plaintext using the SPN, where the last round doesn't contain the permute operation. _enc_last_withperm(ct) Encrypt plaintext using the SPN, where the last round contains the permute operation. _dec_last_noperm(ct) Decrypt ciphertext using the SPN, where the last round doesn't contain the permute operation. _dec_last_withperm(ct) Decrypt ciphertext using the SPN, where the last round contains the permute operation.

Initialize the SPN class with the provided parameters.


sbox : list of int
List of integers representing the S-box.
pbox : list of int
List of integers representing the P-box.
key : list of int or bytes or bytearray
List of integers, bytes, or bytearray representing the key. LSB block_size bits will be used.
rounds : int
Number of rounds for the SPN.
implementation : int, optional
Implementation option. Default is 0. 0: Last round doesn't contain the permute operation. 1: Last round contains the permute operation.
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class SPN:
    Class representing the SPN (Substitution-Permutation Network) encryption algorithm.

        Apply the P-box permutation on the input.
        Apply the inverse P-box permutation on the input.
        Apply the S-box substitution on the input.
        Apply the inverse S-box substitution on the input.
        Convert a len(pbox)-sized integer to a list of S-box sized integers.
        Convert a list of S-box sized integers to a len(pbox)-sized integer.
    expand_key(key, rounds)
        Derive round keys deterministically from the given key.
        Encrypt plaintext using the SPN, where the last round doesn't contain the permute operation.
        Encrypt plaintext using the SPN, where the last round contains the permute operation.
        Decrypt ciphertext using the SPN, where the last round doesn't contain the permute operation.
        Decrypt ciphertext using the SPN, where the last round contains the permute operation.

    def __init__(self, sbox, pbox, key, rounds, implementation=0):
        Initialize the SPN class with the provided parameters.

        sbox : list of int
            List of integers representing the S-box.

        pbox : list of int
            List of integers representing the P-box.

        key : list of int or bytes or bytearray
            List of integers, bytes, or bytearray representing the key.
            LSB block_size bits will be used.

        rounds : int
            Number of rounds for the SPN.

        implementation : int, optional
            Implementation option. Default is 0.
            0: Last round doesn't contain the permute operation.
            1: Last round contains the permute operation.
        self.sbox = sbox
        self.pbox = pbox
        self.sinv = [sbox.index(i) for i in range(len(sbox))]
        self.pinv = [pbox.index(i) for i in range(len(pbox))]
        self.block_size = len(pbox)
        self.box_size = int(log2(len(sbox)))
        self.num_sbox = len(pbox) // self.box_size
        self.rounds = rounds
        self.round_keys = self.expand_key(key, rounds)
        if implementation == 0:
            self.encrypt = self._enc_last_noperm
            self.decrypt = self._dec_last_noperm
            self.encrypt = self._enc_last_withperm
            self.decrypt = self._dec_last_withperm

    def perm(self, inp: int) -> int:
        Apply the P-box permutation on the input.

        inp : int
            The input value to apply the P-box permutation on.

            The permuted value after applying the P-box.
        ct = 0
        for i, v in enumerate(self.pbox):
            ct |= (inp >> (self.block_size - 1 - i) & 1) << (
                self.block_size - 1 - v)
        return ct

    def inv_perm(self, inp: int) -> int:
        Apply the inverse P-box permutation on the input.

        inp : int
            The input value to apply the inverse P-box permutation on.

            The permuted value after applying the inverse P-box.
        ct = 0
        for i, v in enumerate(self.pinv):
            ct |= (inp >> (self.block_size - 1 - i) & 1) << (
                self.block_size - 1 - v)
        return ct

    def sub(self, inp: int) -> int:
        Apply the S-box substitution on the input.

        inp : int
            The input value to apply the S-box substitution on.

            The substituted value after applying the S-box.
        ct, bs = 0, self.box_size
        for i in range(self.num_sbox):
            ct |= self.sbox[(inp >> (i * bs)) & ((1 << bs) - 1)] << (bs * i)
        return ct

    def inv_sub(self, inp: int) -> int:
        Apply the inverse S-box substitution on the input.

        inp : int
            The input value to apply the inverse S-box substitution on.

            The substituted value after applying the inverse S-box.
        ct, bs = 0, self.box_size
        for i in range(self.num_sbox):
            ct |= self.sinv[(inp >> (i * bs)) & ((1 << bs) - 1)] << (bs * i)
        return ct

    def int_to_list(self, inp):
        Convert a len(pbox)-sized integer to a list of S-box sized integers.

        inp : int
            An integer representing a len(pbox)-sized input.

        list of int
            A list of integers, each representing an S-box sized input.
        bs = self.box_size
        return [(inp >> (i * bs)) & ((1 << bs) - 1)
                for i in range(self.num_sbox - 1, -1, -1)]

    def list_to_int(self, lst):
        Convert a list of S-box sized integers to a len(pbox)-sized integer.

        lst : list of int
            A list of integers, each representing an S-box sized input.

            An integer representing the combined input as a len(pbox)-sized integer.
        res = 0
        for i, v in enumerate(lst[::-1]):
            res |= v << (i * self.box_size)
        return res

    def expand_key(self, key, rounds):
        Derive round keys deterministically from the given key.

        key : list of int or bytes or bytearray
            A list of integers, bytes, or bytearray representing the key.
        rounds : int
            The number of rounds for the SPN.

        list of int
            A list of integers representing the derived round keys.
        if isinstance(key, list):
            key = self.list_to_int(key)
        elif isinstance(key, (bytes, bytearray)):
            key = int.from_bytes(key, 'big')
        block_mask = (1 << self.block_size) - 1
        key = key & block_mask
        keys = [key]
        for _ in range(rounds):
                keys[-1], self.box_size + 1, self.block_size)))
        return keys

    def _enc_last_noperm(self, pt: int) -> int:
        Encrypt plaintext using the SPN, where the last round doesn't contain the permute operation.

        pt : int
            The plaintext input to be encrypted.

            The ciphertext after encryption.
        ct = pt ^ self.round_keys[0]
        for round_key in self.round_keys[1:-1]:
            ct = self.sub(ct)
            ct = self.perm(ct)
            ct ^= round_key
        ct = self.sub(ct)
        return ct ^ self.round_keys[-1]

    def _enc_last_withperm(self, ct: int) -> int:
        Encrypt plaintext using the SPN, where the last round contains the permute operation.
        Note, the last permutation provides no additional security.

        ct : int
            The plaintext input to be encrypted.

            The ciphertext after encryption.
        for round_key in self.round_keys[:-1]:
            ct ^= round_key
            ct = self.sub(ct)
            ct = self.perm(ct)
        return ct ^ self.round_keys[-1]

    def _dec_last_noperm(self, ct: int) -> int:
        Decrypt ciphertext using the SPN, where the last round doesn't contain the permute operation.

        ct : int
            The ciphertext input to be decrypted.

            The plaintext after decryption.
        ct = ct ^ self.round_keys[-1]
        ct = self.inv_sub(ct)
        for rk in self.round_keys[-2:0:-1]:
            ct ^= rk
            ct = self.inv_perm(ct)
            ct = self.inv_sub(ct)
        return ct ^ self.round_keys[0]

    def _dec_last_withperm(self, ct: int) -> int:
        Decrypt ciphertext using the SPN, where the last round contains the permute operation.

        ct : int
            The ciphertext input to be decrypted.

            The plaintext after decryption.
        ct = ct ^ self.round_keys[-1]
        for rk in self.round_keys[-2::-1]:
            ct = self.inv_perm(ct)
            ct = self.inv_sub(ct)
            ct ^= rk
        return ct



def expand_key(self, key, rounds)

Derive round keys deterministically from the given key.


key : list of int or bytes or bytearray
A list of integers, bytes, or bytearray representing the key.
rounds : int
The number of rounds for the SPN.


list of int
A list of integers representing the derived round keys.
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def expand_key(self, key, rounds):
    Derive round keys deterministically from the given key.

    key : list of int or bytes or bytearray
        A list of integers, bytes, or bytearray representing the key.
    rounds : int
        The number of rounds for the SPN.

    list of int
        A list of integers representing the derived round keys.
    if isinstance(key, list):
        key = self.list_to_int(key)
    elif isinstance(key, (bytes, bytearray)):
        key = int.from_bytes(key, 'big')
    block_mask = (1 << self.block_size) - 1
    key = key & block_mask
    keys = [key]
    for _ in range(rounds):
            keys[-1], self.box_size + 1, self.block_size)))
    return keys
def int_to_list(self, inp)

Convert a len(pbox)-sized integer to a list of S-box sized integers.


inp : int
An integer representing a len(pbox)-sized input.


list of int
A list of integers, each representing an S-box sized input.
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def int_to_list(self, inp):
    Convert a len(pbox)-sized integer to a list of S-box sized integers.

    inp : int
        An integer representing a len(pbox)-sized input.

    list of int
        A list of integers, each representing an S-box sized input.
    bs = self.box_size
    return [(inp >> (i * bs)) & ((1 << bs) - 1)
            for i in range(self.num_sbox - 1, -1, -1)]
def inv_perm(self, inp: int) ‑> int

Apply the inverse P-box permutation on the input.


inp : int
The input value to apply the inverse P-box permutation on.


The permuted value after applying the inverse P-box.
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def inv_perm(self, inp: int) -> int:
    Apply the inverse P-box permutation on the input.

    inp : int
        The input value to apply the inverse P-box permutation on.

        The permuted value after applying the inverse P-box.
    ct = 0
    for i, v in enumerate(self.pinv):
        ct |= (inp >> (self.block_size - 1 - i) & 1) << (
            self.block_size - 1 - v)
    return ct
def inv_sub(self, inp: int) ‑> int

Apply the inverse S-box substitution on the input.


inp : int
The input value to apply the inverse S-box substitution on.


The substituted value after applying the inverse S-box.
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def inv_sub(self, inp: int) -> int:
    Apply the inverse S-box substitution on the input.

    inp : int
        The input value to apply the inverse S-box substitution on.

        The substituted value after applying the inverse S-box.
    ct, bs = 0, self.box_size
    for i in range(self.num_sbox):
        ct |= self.sinv[(inp >> (i * bs)) & ((1 << bs) - 1)] << (bs * i)
    return ct
def list_to_int(self, lst)

Convert a list of S-box sized integers to a len(pbox)-sized integer.


lst : list of int
A list of integers, each representing an S-box sized input.


An integer representing the combined input as a len(pbox)-sized integer.
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def list_to_int(self, lst):
    Convert a list of S-box sized integers to a len(pbox)-sized integer.

    lst : list of int
        A list of integers, each representing an S-box sized input.

        An integer representing the combined input as a len(pbox)-sized integer.
    res = 0
    for i, v in enumerate(lst[::-1]):
        res |= v << (i * self.box_size)
    return res
def perm(self, inp: int) ‑> int

Apply the P-box permutation on the input.


inp : int
The input value to apply the P-box permutation on.


The permuted value after applying the P-box.
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def perm(self, inp: int) -> int:
    Apply the P-box permutation on the input.

    inp : int
        The input value to apply the P-box permutation on.

        The permuted value after applying the P-box.
    ct = 0
    for i, v in enumerate(self.pbox):
        ct |= (inp >> (self.block_size - 1 - i) & 1) << (
            self.block_size - 1 - v)
    return ct
def sub(self, inp: int) ‑> int

Apply the S-box substitution on the input.


inp : int
The input value to apply the S-box substitution on.


The substituted value after applying the S-box.
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def sub(self, inp: int) -> int:
    Apply the S-box substitution on the input.

    inp : int
        The input value to apply the S-box substitution on.

        The substituted value after applying the S-box.
    ct, bs = 0, self.box_size
    for i in range(self.num_sbox):
        ct |= self.sbox[(inp >> (i * bs)) & ((1 << bs) - 1)] << (bs * i)
    return ct