Pseudo key
Keys are not always as they seem...
Note: Make sure to wrap the plaintext with flag{} before you submit!
Lets take a quick look at the contents of
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from string import ascii_lowercase
chr_to_num = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(ascii_lowercase)}
num_to_chr = {i: c for i, c in enumerate(ascii_lowercase)}
def encrypt(ptxt, key):
ptxt = ptxt.lower()
key = ''.join(key[i % len(key)] for i in range(len(ptxt))).lower()
ctxt = ''
for i in range(len(ptxt)):
if ptxt[i] == '_':
ctxt += '_'
x = chr_to_num[ptxt[i]]
y = chr_to_num[key[i]]
ctxt += num_to_chr[(x + y) % 26]
return ctxt
with open('flag.txt') as f, open('key.txt') as k:
flag =
key =
ptxt = flag[5:-1]
ctxt = encrypt(ptxt,key)
pseudo_key = encrypt(key,key)
Encryption is just vignere cipher over ASCII-lower with a given key.
NOTE: underscores are skipped and added as such
But whats the challenge here?
The key is encrypted with the key itself and we are provided the encrypted key (called Pseudo-key) iigesssaemk
Treating the alphabets as numbers from 0-26
Where \(key_i\) essentially suggests that \(key\) is duplicated again and again to match the $plaintext$ length
And hence, if we encrypt the $key$ with \(key\) itself, we get,
Since the length of \(pseudoKey\) is 11, we have \(2^{11} = 2048\) possibilities, which we could simply go through and check if we get a valid flag
from itertools import product
ct = "z_jjaoo_rljlhr_gauf_twv_shaqzb_ljtyut"
pseudo_key = "iigesssaemk"
pseudo_key_to_num = [ord(i)-97 for i in pseudo_key]
possible_keys = [ (i//2, i//2+13) for i in pseudo_key_to_num ]
ct_to_num = [ord(i)-97 if ord(i) >= 97 else i for i in ct ]
def decrypt(ct,key):
keylen = len(key)
return "".join( ct[i] if str(ct[i])=='_' else chr((ct[i] - key[i%keylen] +26)%26 +97 ) for i in range(len(ct)) )
for key in product(*possible_keys):
decrypted = decrypt(ct_to_num, key)
print(decrypted, "".join(chr(i+97) for i in key ))
Scrolling over the produced ciphertext, one could easily identify the correct flag
i_guess_pfrudo_keyf_nee_pseudb_frcure redpwwwacgs
i_guess_pseudo_keyf_are_pseudb_secure redpwwwactf
i_guess_psrudo_keyf_aee_pseudb_srcure redpwwwacts
i_guess_cfeudo_keyf_nre_pseudb_fecure redpwwwapgf
i_guess_cfrudo_keyf_nee_pseudb_frcure redpwwwapgs
i_guess_cseudo_keyf_are_pseudb_secure redpwwwaptf
i_guess_csrudo_keyf_aee_pseudb_srcure redpwwwapts
i_guess_pfeudo_keys_nre_pseudo_fecure redpwwwncgf
i_guess_pfrudo_keys_nee_pseudo_frcure redpwwwncgs
i_guess_pseudo_keys_are_pseudo_secure redpwwwnctf
i_guess_psrudo_keys_aee_pseudo_srcure redpwwwncts
i_guess_cfeudo_keys_nre_pseudo_fecure redpwwwnpgf
i_guess_cfrudo_keys_nee_pseudo_frcure redpwwwnpgs
i_guess_cseudo_keys_are_pseudo_secure redpwwwnptf
i_guess_csrudo_keys_aee_pseudo_srcure redpwwwnpts
The key appears to be redpwwwnctf