Redpwn 2020 Crypto - Itsy Bitsy




The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the water spout...

nc 31284


Lets quickly take a look at now the connection works

nc 31284
Enter an integer i such that i > 0: 1
Enter an integer j such that j > i > 0: 2
Ciphertext: 0010001001011101111000001100000010000011000111100100111100011000100001001001100111110011100100000001101101010101001100001100010010000001111000000010100001001100100001000000010101000101010101011010011011100110100000010001110000101000011011001001010110010101000000100001011110000100010100010010110100000

Let us quickly go through the required functions of the source

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from Crypto.Random.random import randint

def str_to_bits(s):
    bit_str = ''
    for c in s:
        i = ord(c)
        bit_str += bin(i)[2:]
    return bit_str

def recv_input():
    i = input('Enter an integer i such that i > 0: ')
    j = input('Enter an integer j such that j > i > 0: ')
        i = int(i)
        j = int(j)
        if i <= 0 or j <= i:
            raise Exception
        print('Error! You must adhere to the restrictions!')
    return i,j

def generate_random_bits(lower_bound, upper_bound, number_of_bits):
    bit_str = ''
    while len(bit_str) < number_of_bits:
        r = randint(lower_bound, upper_bound)
        bit_str += bin(r)[2:]
    return bit_str[:number_of_bits]

def bit_str_xor(bit_str_1, bit_str_2):
    xor_res = ''
    for i in range(len(bit_str_1)):
        bit_1 = bit_str_1[i]
        bit_2 = bit_str_2[i]
        xor_res += str(int(bit_1) ^ int(bit_2))
    return xor_res

def main():
    with open('flag.txt','r') as f:
        flag =
    for c in flag:
        i = ord(c)
        assert i in range(2**6,2**7)
    flag_bits = str_to_bits(flag)
    i,j = recv_input()
    lb = 2**i
    ub = 2**j - 1
    n = len(flag_bits)
    random_bits = generate_random_bits(lb,ub,n)
    encrypted_bits = bit_str_xor(flag_bits,random_bits)
    print(f'Ciphertext: {encrypted_bits}')

if __name__ == '__main__':
def generate_random_bits(lower_bound, upper_bound, number_of_bits):
    bit_str = ''
    while len(bit_str) < number_of_bits:
        r = randint(lower_bound, upper_bound)
        bit_str += bin(r)[2:]
    return bit_str[:number_of_bits]

It will generate a random bitstring of length number_of_bits from lower_bound to upper_bound and if the lower_bound itself is greater than the requirement, it will truncate it.

We are asked for input for i and j which are converted to lower and upper bounds as 2**i to 2**j - 1.
The generated bitstream is xored (bit-wise) with the flag and returned


If one sets i and j to i and i+1, the bounds are 2**i and 2**(i+1) - 1, which are both i bits in length.
The pecularity being the first bit would always be 1 because of 2**i and all the bits at positions multiples of i would be 1



Notice the 0th, 2nd, 4th index and so on is always 1 My unoptimized script which just concerns about knowing the bit at position i by sending the index i-1 and i.

from pwn import remote

HOST, PORT = "", 31284

def get_ct(num_bits):
    REM = remote(HOST, PORT)
    REM.sendline(str(num_bits -1).encode())
    data = REM.recvline()
    ciphertext = data.split(b':')[-1].strip()
    return ciphertext

flag_bits = bytearray(301)  #flag size known 
flag_bits[0] = 49  # ord('1') known from the first character 'f' of flag
flag_bits[1] = 49  # ord('1') 
for num_bits in range(2,301):
    ct = get_ct(num_bits)
    flag_bits[num_bits] = 48 if ct[num_bits] == 49 else 49


This can be improved just by noting the fact we knew most of the bits i before reaching the index i, we will only make a request if bit i is not known

for num_bits in range(2,301):
    if flag_bits[num_bits] == 0:
        ct = get_ct(num_bits)
        for i in range(num_bits, 301, num_bits):
            flag_bits[i] = 48 if ct[i] == 49 else 49

Which takes 62 requests instead of 300 as in original


jekyll.environment != "beta" -%}